Archaeological evidence known at this point of time report that the origin of the artistic activity dates back from more than 64,000 years, being its creator the homo neanderthalensis . In particular -and according to Science review- these are cave paintings in three Spanish caves located in Cantabria, Caceres and Malaga. Since then and to present day, man has expressed, from different artistic points of view, all the creativity that he has been able -or we would say, has had the need- to transmit. From our origins, the contact, relationship, and interaction with nature have been and are evident. Many artists have benefited from that to create their work in any field, either pictorial, literary, sculpture, musical, cinematographic, etc. It would be a very intense and arduous study to refer to all these areas so, in this article, we are going to focus on the inspiration that some great composers, who preceded us, found in ...